50 Blog Topics And Prompts For Teachers

Throughout 2017, we published a weekly blogging prompt for educators and edtech enthusiasts. We called this project — #EdublogsClub.

When the catch-up weeks were removed, we had a collection of 35 published blog post prompts. We have added these prompts, along with an additional 15, to create a new ebook of post ideas for educational bloggers.


Using The 50 Prompts

These prompts could be used in a variety of ways. Here are some suggestions:

  • Bloggers who participated in the #EdublogsClub during 2017 might want to keep their blogging streak going by working on the additional 15 prompts (or pick and choose/catch up on missed prompts).
  • Educators who are new to blogging, or have let their blog lapse, might use the prompts as inspiration to get going.
  • Pre-service teachers might like to work through some blogging prompts as a way to begin their reflective journey as an educator, and start building a professional learning network.
  • Retired teachers might use the prompts as a way to publish memories, reflections and wisdom around certain topics.
  • You might consider getting a group of friends or colleagues together and forming your own #EdublogsClub. Each week, you could choose a topic to write about and encourage each other with comments and feedback.

The 50 Prompts

Note: you can find more elaboration, suggestions and examples in the PDF version.

1. Share your blogging story
2. Discuss your classroom or place of work
3. Write about leadership, peer coaching, and/or effecting change
4. Include an image in a post
5. Publish a post about free online tools
6. Write about challenging situations
7. Create a listicle about any topic
8. Share your thoughts or experiences of student privacy
9. Do you include popular culture in the classroom?
10. Write a post about giving feedback to students
11. Embed something in a post
12. The pendulum: discuss how educational trends come and go
13. Include a giveaway in a post
14. Write a post that discusses assessment
15. Tell a story
16. Discuss problem-based or project-based learning
17. Share some art, poetry or music
18. Share your thoughts or approaches to social media
19. Write a post about books or reading
20. Share your time management or productivity tips
21. Write a post about videos and/or include a video
22. Reflect on working with parents, being an educator-parent, or your own parents
23. Post your experiences with professional learning and conferences
24. Invite a guest to post on your blog, or write a guest post for another blog
25. Share your thoughts or experiences of digital citizenship
26. Write about the subject matter in which you specialize
27. I wish professional development was…
28. Share your advice for new teachers
29. Write a post about interviews, or publish an interview
30. Share your favorite tool or resource
31. 100 Word Challenge: Respond to the picture prompt
32. Create a post about how schools and classrooms have changed over time
33. Share your favorite quotes in a blog post
34. World Teachers’ Day: Reflect on a teacher or the status of teachers
35. Write a response to an online article
36. Write a post about a hobby or interest
37. What are your favorite blogs? Create a review or listicle
38. Share your short term and/or long term goals
39. What could have been an alternative career for you?
40. Write about your experiences overseas, or your travel dreams
41. Share your preferred methods of communication
42. Write a post about using audio/podcasts either personally or professionally
43. Embed a poll or survey (and do a follow up post with the results)
44. Share your thoughts on the teaching of formal handwriting
45. Create an A to Z
46. Write an open letter to someone
47. Describe your commute to work
48. Share an interesting statistic and write your interpretation of the data
49. Create your own list of prompts like this one!
50. Celebrate and reflect on completing this challenge

We Need Your Examples

We would love you to comment on this post if you complete any of the prompts. The first 35 prompts in the ebook have a linked example to a post from an #EdublogsClub community member. The last 15 prompts don’t have examples. So we need your work!

If you’re looking for blogging prompts for students, we also have a PDF resource with over 100 ideas!

Spread the word about this resource and please get in touch with any feedback!

58 thoughts on “50 Blog Topics And Prompts For Teachers

  1. #39. I have always been interested in nature vs. nurture and how personality is shaped and how personality affects interpersonal relationships. I always wanted to be a child psychologist. My undergrad was in psychology, but now I am a teacher! I always knew I wanted to work with children though. 🙂

  2. I did number #39 : What could have been an alternative career for you?

    I could’ve been a surgeon. When I was younger, I loved watching discovery health. I liked watching gruesome stories of how people were sent to the ER. I also liked watching doctors perform surgeries on various shows. So when I was in college, I couldn’t decide between engineering and med school. So I became a biomedical engineering(BME) major pre-med student. WHOOOOO that was definitely not the best decision for me . Anyway, after breaking my back my first year in college to get into the BME program, i finally began to take some of my pre-med courses during my second year. My first course was organic chemistry. I thought to myself, “ I was a beast in Chem in high school and during my 1st year, this should be a piece of cake! Then after the first class, I realized I was “drawing pictures” haha. And due to my busy schedule I fell asleep during every class that year, even though I sat in the very front with a red bull in my hand. At that moment, I decided that I had fallen too behind. I hadn’t learned a thing and I was going to fail my first college course. Since I did not want to extend my time in college due to repeated courses, I decide to drop my “pre-med” concentration and just stick to biomedical engineering. Oh and by the way, did I mention that I am a teacher?!? That’s a story for a different day!

  3. Thank you for this creative topic on how to start an education blog! I want to contribute to #49 and add, “what is one thing you would change about the curriculum in your state?”

    1. Hi Ngaire,

      Thanks for sharing your post! I love this line, “These are opportunities to travel and discover places that really, have no address.”

      Keep it up!

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