Comments on: 6 Tips for Attracting More Comments The Community Blog for Edublogs and CampusPress Wed, 23 Apr 2014 02:38:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: cordeskiki Tue, 05 Mar 2013 02:14:39 +0000 Thanks for these tips. I am always looking for ways to get more people to read my content and try my tips on how to turn obstacles into opportunities.

By: johnson Tue, 09 Oct 2012 14:31:37 +0000 I read lot of tips for improving the blog, but most are vague and not at all useful. But this article is completely different from others and will recommend this blog to most of the novice bloggers.

By: Florin Muresan Tue, 18 Sep 2012 15:02:25 +0000 You have to write articles that evoke emotions, that make people say “wow”. This is the stuff that makes people talk. Of course, all your tips are great and thanks for sharing.

By: Sue Waters Sat, 25 Aug 2012 12:47:05 +0000 In reply to Glidingeagle.

Hi Glidingeagle, I read every comment but occasionally I confess that I may miss responding back to a comment 🙁

One thing I noticed when checking your blog was you do have a few posts where you’ve had images and they are missing. I’m guessing you may have deleted them from your media library due to storage space issues and this is why they are missing. If you resize images to 450 pixels wide using Picture Manager before uploading to your posts they won’t use much storage space and you will be able o use images on your posts again.

By: Sue Waters Sat, 25 Aug 2012 12:26:22 +0000 In reply to Martha.

Hi Martha, welcome to blogging! When I first started blogging I did worry about the expectation I needed to blog a lot. Nowadays I’ve learnt it’s okay not to be proliferic and my readers aren’t worried about how often I blog. Although I have to admit times when I have been a more prolific blogger have helped me improve.

Types of fix ups that will spruce things are making sure your theme looks nice and your sidebars aren’t too cluttered (if it is a personal educators blog) — slightly more cluttered sidebars are quite normal on class blogs. Other quick things that help are focusing on the visual look of your posts using headings, bullet points, number lists and images. Things like this help make your posts easier to read.

Hope this helped?

By: Sue Waters Sat, 25 Aug 2012 12:15:57 +0000 In reply to Beth.

Hi Beth, what classroom bloggers like Kathleen Morris and Linda Yollis do is they have activities like Family Blogging month which they find works really well. If you check out the link to Kathleen’s post she has a lot of other tips and ideas for attracting comments on class blogs.

The travels of Teddy sounds really exciting and the students will enjoy it!

By: Glidingeagle Sat, 25 Aug 2012 07:50:22 +0000 Hi there,

I know you probably wont read this but I am really interested in improving my blog and was hoping perhaps you could have a look and give me some tips?
I love the advice you post.


By: Martha Sat, 25 Aug 2012 03:59:08 +0000 I really like this post as I have recently began blogging. Seems I am providing tips and tricks to my readers to help them do their job better. Which is important but maybe just not interesting.I am not very proficient, and currently do not have as much time to devote to blogging as I would like. What small fix ups could I apply quickly to spruce things up? In another month things will slow down and I will have more time to learn this. I want to blog better. Until thenI want to appear to blog better!

By: Beth Thu, 23 Aug 2012 02:29:58 +0000 As a novice in the world of blogging, I am trying to grow in my blogging endeavors. Thus, although I don’t have much experience or most likely any new tips for seasoned bloggers, I am responding to this post anyway in order to “put the tips into practice.” One simple method I am using is to ASK people to comment on our blog. When I visit other blogs, I don’t leave it to chance that my host will respond to my comment and visit our blog; I come right out and ask them to visit my new blog and leave a comment. We started school 5 days ago, and I am asking parents to leave comments, and asking the kids to invite their friends, cousins, grandparents, etc., to leave comments. We will also have a BLOG PARTY when we reach our goal. Our first goal is 500 visitors. Our next goal is 500 comments. So, anyone reading this comment, please visit and comment on our blog! It’s called “Hey, Kids!” and you can find us a (I welcome any help in rotating photos on Photo Peach.) We are starting a new blog as well called Teddy Tours at Teddy Tours is designed to be a series of “post”cards that a dog named Teddy (a.k.a. my students) will write from his travels around the world. I hope kids around the world will look forward to reading postcards from Teddy, and they will write back to him. That blog should be up and running by the first week in September. You can find it in its initial stage of development now to get the idea of what it is all about. Please visit us and Teddy!
