Comments on: Getting More Out of Widgets! The Community Blog for Edublogs and CampusPress Wed, 05 Jun 2024 23:32:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: All About WordPress Widgets! Lesson #12 « Start A Family Blog Class Fri, 08 Jul 2011 01:04:17 +0000 […] can read this interesting blog post at the Edublogger site, Getting More Out of Widgets, but all of the information may not be specific to WordPress […]

By: Sue Waters Sun, 23 May 2010 03:09:30 +0000 In reply to Laura.

@Laura, Spammers, who create lots of blogs to promote products, were using the JavaScript for redirects on free blogs. ‘No’ other blog hosts allows embedding like we have done so far and we’ve been forced to limit it due to this abuse by spammers. This is why your text widgets are no longer working.

The key is we still want our users to have this ability but we had to provide it in such a way that the sploggers can’t use it.

The only solution was to link it to Edublogs Pro and Campus like we had to do with XML-RPC.

So what we have done is an Edublogs Pro is automatically able to embed all code in posts, pages and text widgets, A pro blogs is also to upgrade up to 50 blogs other blogs so that the 50 other blogs can also embed code, access premium themes and their ads are disabled.

You can read more about it here –

By: Laura Fri, 21 May 2010 14:20:23 +0000 Hi Sue,

Thank you for all the instructions on how to use the BLOG. Anyway, I am posting a question here because I am slightly confused about something going wrong with my widgets. I have been using widgets from widget box on my edublog for over two years now. As of three days ago the CNN feed and the bubble game I have for the kids, no longer works. Text is posted there. When I go back to widgetbox to copy the embed code and put it into a Text Widget on the blog. I can not see it.

I tried fixing the problem to see if it was java script ,but my java is enabled under the inter options- security and advanced tabs.

I don’t know what is wrong? Can anyone advice me.
Thanks in advance

By: Widgets | Adrian #15 Mon, 17 May 2010 21:20:49 +0000 […] May 17th, 2010 by ac9988241 Web terminology makes it so much harder when people are starting their online journey; suddenly you being bombarded all these foreign terms and widgets are a classic example! In simple terms widgets are mini web applications that you can put onto your website. […]

By: Sue Waters Thu, 13 Aug 2009 01:10:04 +0000 In reply to mrsfreeland.

@mrsfreeland, You need to follow these instructions on Embedding Videos from Video Sharing Websites into Posts.

By: mrsfreeland Wed, 12 Aug 2009 19:36:27 +0000 I am completely lost. I am trying to add a video from YouTube and I don’t know how. I read the post on widgets and the instruction that said to “go to the yellow (A) box” except that I have no idea where the A box is. I tried to use the “add media” function using the URL for the video but that did not work. Help!

By: What else can I have on my blog? | Literacy Resources Sat, 11 Jul 2009 19:27:07 +0000 […] you use Edublogs then Sue Waters explains clearly about widgets and how to put them onto your […]

By: msvirginia Thu, 26 Mar 2009 01:22:39 +0000 Hi Susan, as always, very useful information on this post. However, I’m having a really hard time adapting my widgets to my blogs design.
For example:
1. I added a “Quote of the Day” using the “text” form the page But the text they give there is set for a typeface and format that doesn’t exactly fit in my blog. They explain something in the site about modifying the java script or something like that but I just couldn’t work it out. I followed the steps you explain for embedding a Google calendar but still isn’t good. Can you help me with this?
2. I have problems using the “categories” widget as it doesn¿t really show my categories. Why is that? I can perfectly see the categories when posting a message.
I really thank you in advance and hope not to take so much of your time…
Great to know you’re there!
thx 🙂

By: Tips For Doing A Blog Makeover | The Edublogger Sun, 01 Feb 2009 22:31:59 +0000 […] a Voki now! ← Getting More Out of Widgets! How To Add Your Photo to Your Blog Side Bar […]

By: kasra Sat, 13 Dec 2008 18:16:13 +0000 In reply to Sue Waters.

just for fun and to make it better because some of my friends google doesn’t work so maybe it might if i put it on my blog
