This post is part of the #EdublogsClub – a group of educators and edtech enthusiasts that blog around a common theme each week. Simply write a post and share it to join in, or sign up to receive email reminders of each new prompt.
Although blogging is about writing to share ideas, pictures and other embedded content can help make your post stand out. There are all different kinds of media that can be embedded, from YouTube videos to Soundcloud tracks to presentations. If you have never used embed code before, check out our tutorials here.
Prompt: Write a post about any topic where you embed something.
That’s it! The topic is completely up to you, but we’d love to see your use of a tool or service that lets you embed.
If you really need a hint as to service that allows you to embed, here are just a few:
- Animoto
- Storify
- Livebinders
- Twitter (embed tweets or timelines)
- Padlet
- Voki
- Voicethreads
- AudioBoo
- Soundcloud
- Bitstrips
- ToonDoo
- Google Forms, Docs, and Slides
- Prezi
- ThingLink
And one of my favorites which lets you embed just about any website:
Happy embedding!
I used this prompt to reflect on the recent weather catastrophes that have hit our area of Southwest Missouri, and share pictures and footage that share my thoughts about the conflicting beauty and destructive forces of nature.…-embed-something/
Rachelle R. Turner
Teaching Them Together
The picture is so cool.
For Week 12, I’ve embedded a guitar recording made by a homeless man who lives in my city. I didn’t include a backstory but did provide a link to his blog.
Still been blogging just slightly behind. I hope to catch up over spring break and spend some some time reading everyone else’s posts as well.
I embedding a video demonstrating the cartooning strategy I mentioned in previous post.
Hi Tara,
I’m just catching up on blog posts as well. -Kai
I embedded some items into my last Slice of Life post this month. I hope to try the #edublogsclub challenges. I had been neglecting my blog for too long!
My post on “Human Trafficking is Real” since I’ve embedded videos, I was trying to embed a tweet, but Blogger is not playing nicely….
Loving Edublogger’s automatic embed features and learning about ’embedly’. Sure makes it faster and easier than when I had to code it myself!
Here’s my post about having an “Embedded” School Library Website.
This was by far the easiest post to do. Love me some good embed code ;-).
Embedded something – not what I planned, but good enough for a Monday!
Love it! Thanks for sharing the video.
I have several posts with embeds, but I most often embed YouTube videos. I am about to make a Powtoon animation, and will embed that in a future post. For now, I’d like to share my post on using Newsela in the classroom. If you’re a teacher interested in having students read about current events at their reading level, visit my post:
I recently enjoyed a short cruise on the Queen Mary 2; my first indulgence for my retirement so I created a Padlet providing some insights into the ship. Paddle provides students with the opportunity to write for a specific purpose, particularly for informative writing. It can also be used to explore the impact of images and language. My link is –
I’ve embedded a VoiceThread interview that I recently did with graduate students about student privacy in the post here:
This week I’ve embedded some old favourites, all about mathematical dilemmas. Can you add your own ideas of how you might use them in a classroom? I can’t wait to read about them.
Twitter handle @JoPrestia
I decided to wait until after my presentations today to complete this post as it was apropos to do so!
I embedded a winterguard performance! Last week, I posted about my daughter’s chronic illness… here is the bright side of our world. She makes me so proud to be her mom.
WOW! What an impressive performance.
This post has an embedded Nearpod Lesson to check out…
A brief one about a song that reminds me of a landmark year
Very nice!!
For this week’s prompt I embedded a Google slide. This is post 3 in the series.
I guess my smiley emoticon didn’t show up…
I embedded a Google slide to this week’s post. It’s my third in the series.
Tissue 3 of Learning in the Loo.… #edublogsclub #njetc #edtech