Comments on: Poll: Has The Meaning Of The Word “Blog” Changed? The Community Blog for Edublogs and CampusPress Thu, 19 Nov 2020 00:51:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kathleen Morris Thu, 19 Nov 2020 00:51:38 +0000 In reply to mcolive.

That’s a good point about social media. It does becoming confusing. Glad the article helped! 🙂

By: mcolive Wed, 18 Nov 2020 23:08:55 +0000 I think there can be a lot of confusion to a blog now that social media is so big. Every time someone posts to a social media cite, they may think they are “blogging.” This explained the difference between a blog and a blog post!

By: Kathleen Morris Mon, 29 Jun 2020 07:33:17 +0000 In reply to Nina.

Hey Nina, these are really interesting thoughts. The nature of blogs and the language does seem to be evolving and it’s different in different spaces, as you pointed out. Thanks for sharing!

By: Nina Sun, 28 Jun 2020 17:37:59 +0000 I normally say “I’ve been blogging” or “I updated my blog” because I think post or entry can be a bit vague.

Though interestingly enough I know lots of people who use blogs like a website. Last year I asked a colleague for the URL for the workplace blog and she had to Google what blog was before she told me they didn’t have one. (They did have a blog but they mostly used static pages in the navigation and the blogging feature was known to them as a newsfeed – which they rarely updated).

Every academic workplace I am connected to has some sort of blog. And I wonder if the fact many places use them professionally means they just think of blogging platforms as another content management system? I know I still think of a blog as a personal space rather than a corporate one. The blogs I enjoy reading are mostly diary-like. That’s not to say I don’t value other types of blogs, but rather that the ones I read are often more set out like a magazine.

By: Kathleen Morris Mon, 22 Jun 2020 04:14:22 +0000 In reply to Sérgio Lima.

Thanks for your insights, Sérgio. 18 years of blogging. What a milestone!:)

By: Sérgio Lima Mon, 22 Jun 2020 02:05:43 +0000 Hi I started blogging about 2002 (in Brazilian portuguese). I use Blog to website and posts to articles.

In my opinion, different things have different names, simple like that!

By: Kathleen Morris Sun, 21 Jun 2020 06:28:25 +0000 In reply to Patti Ruffing.

Hi Patti,

You’ve certainly shared some excellent words of wisdom with your students! I know for a lot of students (and adults), they don’t seem to realise the difference between a URL to a site and a particular post. Even for people who don’t blog themselves, in a culture of social media and sharing online, I think this is an important thing for everyone to know about.

Thanks for the link to the article about structuring posts too. Agree, it would not sound right if there were related “blogs” at the bottom. Overall, I think using the word blog for a site and blog for a post is just confusing! I like clarity.

LOL that’s a funny one a GIF. For the record, I think I’m a soft G 😉

By: Kathleen Morris Sun, 21 Jun 2020 06:22:09 +0000 In reply to kevin.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Kevin. So far the poll seems to say most people are sticking with the word “post”, however, I ageee with you that language is always evolving.

By: Kathleen Morris Sun, 21 Jun 2020 06:21:12 +0000 In reply to Miss W..

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Sue. I have a feeling most bloggers from our “era” are sticking with the word post. It’s an interesting one!

By: Patti Ruffing Fri, 19 Jun 2020 19:24:50 +0000 Thank you for writing this, Kathleen!

I have always taught my students the difference between their blogs (their sites) and the posts that populate that site.  You choose a name for your blog, and that is the entire site. Each post then has its own title, and its own permalink. I taught students there was a difference between the link to the blog itself and the link to the individual post. As more posts are added, the original post moves down the page. If they want someone to find a particular entry (post) then they must provide the permalink because the post may no longer appear on the first page of the blog.  

I quickly grabbed a site that supports this idea:
The writer, Kristina Adams, says there are 10 million POSTS published every day. That would be articles, not 10 million new blog sites. It actually is a good article filled with tips, and at the bottom the reader is referred to related “posts” by the author, and not related”blogs” by other writers.( I think the part of the definition you highlighted still refers to the contents as a whole and not each individual post.)

So there you have my opinion. Just don’t ask me about pronouncing GIF!
