Comments on: Embedding Videos From Video Sharing Web Sites The Community Blog for Edublogs and CampusPress Fri, 07 Jun 2024 12:13:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Contus HD Video Share Mon, 28 Mar 2011 07:30:44 +0000 Awesome! Some really helpful information in there. Bookmarked. Excellent source.

By: Sue Waters Sat, 11 Dec 2010 13:40:16 +0000 @dillonsc Sploggers, who create lots of blogs to promote products, were using the JavaScript for redirects on free blogs. ‘No’ other blog hosts powered by WordPress allows embedding like we have done so far and we’ve been forced to limit it due to this abuse by sloggers.

This is why your Vide embeds aren’t working.

The key is we still want our users to have this ability but we had to provide it in such a way that the sploggers can’t use it.

The only solution was to link it to Edublogs Pro and Campus like we had to do with XML-RPC.

So what we have done is an Edublogs Pro is automatically able to embed all code including Voicethreads, Teachertube and is able to upgrade up to 50 blogs other blogs so that the 50 other blogs can also embed code, access premium themes and their ads are disabled.

You can read more about it here –

Here is more information about Edublogs Pro –

By: dillonsc Sat, 11 Dec 2010 08:38:17 +0000 I cant seem to embed videos of any kind Vimeo or youtube? The moment I hit publish or update the code disappears. I also dont see any plug ins for using a url available. I run several personal wordpress blogs and havent ever had this problem. Anything Im doing wrong or is it just flaky?

By: Sue Waters Sun, 16 May 2010 01:27:28 +0000 In reply to dolphinkids.

@dolphinkids It indicates that the filter on your email system is blocking our emails and you need to use an alternative email such as or hotmail. However, I recommend that you try or

By: dolphinkids Sat, 15 May 2010 17:11:51 +0000 In reply to Sue Waters.

@Sue Waters, I have been trying to get into to upload a video. It keeps on telling me that my e-mail address is already there and I need to check my e-mail for my password. But, I can’t seem to find any e-mail and can’t find a way to get the password. How do I contact them? I have a mvi video which is 50.9mb long and haven’t got the project (moviemaker) file to break it down for uploading under the edublogs 20mb limit?

What do you suggest I do? I am getting error messages with teachertube


By: Blog Post #3: Surprise Me!! | Division One is Now Online Sun, 11 Apr 2010 19:00:33 +0000 […] it is learning how to insert a picture quiz, embed some media (video or slideshow) that has something to do with your post or simply linking to another […]

By: healthstudies Thu, 25 Mar 2010 06:42:20 +0000 In reply to Sue Waters.

@Sue Waters, thanks for your reply! I thought as much. I did some more sifting through the YouTube Terms of Use – 4F, 5A and 5B appear the most relvant and seem to agree with your comment above. Not that I’m an expert in legal speak!

By: Sue Waters Thu, 25 Mar 2010 02:46:53 +0000 In reply to healthstudies.

@healthstudies, If you are using from a Video sharing website they include a link back to the original location of the video so it generally isn’t considered an issue.

And if YouTube feels it has breached copyright they will remove content which automatically removes it from playing on your blog.

By: healthstudies Wed, 24 Mar 2010 10:55:08 +0000 I’d love to start getting my students to embed videos in their posts on our Health Studies blog but I’m a bit unsure of of the useage and copyright issues surrounding video. I’ve got the hang of Creative Commons images, FlickrCC and attributing them in posts – does the same sort of thing apply to video and other types of media? I couldn’t find anything on YouTube about using or embedding videos that have been uploaded by other users?

By: Sue Waters Sat, 20 Mar 2010 02:38:35 +0000 In reply to Alex Ragone.

@Alex Ragone, apologies for this Alex since we are already discussing by email but I need to leave a comment for anyone else that read this post.

This new version of WordPress MU that powers Edublogs now works differently and you add videos from video sharing web sites using the HTML Tab.

Here are the instructions on how to do this –
